Monday, March 15, 2010


It's been several years since I had much to do with the blogosphere, but it's really become difficult to stay away. Too many friends maintain contact through blogs, and there's always more information worth sharing that could help others.

In the past, I blogged to talk all about myself. I won't lie; my own life will have a place in this blog as well. Rather than solely attending to private details, though, the focus here will be the events and issues that impact not only my life but the lives of others. Issues of political, ethical, social and environmental moment will predominate, as will the ways in which these issues have a role in my daily world. I have my own political beliefs, naturally, and they'll play a clear role here, but I will try to keep an open mind. The same holds true for my religious and spiritual beliefs. I ask anyone who reads this blog and responds to do the same and to treat me and any other respondents with respect.

There will be issues of a more personal nature; these will most often relate to living a gluten-free, sugar-free, grain-free lifestyle. I am hypoglycemic, gluten intolerant and chemically sensitive, among other things, and as a consequence must keep to a fairly strict diet. Also of a more personal nature will be the ways in which I do my best to improve the ways in which I live a sustainable, socially responsible life on the face of this planet. It is my hope that some of these posts may prove useful to others who share these issues, and that the responses I may receive could be of benefit to me.

And so...welcome to my corner of the world!

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